Friday, May 16, 2014

How to Text a Librarian

Did you know that you can contact the CW Library through text? The College of Westchester Library participates in a text reference service with libraries throughout the United States.

Texting a librarian is a very simple process; all you have to do is save CW Library (66746) to your contacts and just remember to type CWL before your question. For example, if you want to know if the library has a certain database, such as Lexis Nexis, these are the steps you would take:

1.      Compose a message to CW Library (66746) and save it to your contacts for future use.

2.      Type “CWL Does the library have access to Lexis Nexis?”

The hours of operation for Text a Librarian are:

Monday - Thursday  
  8:00 A.M. -10:00 P.M.


  8:00 A.M. -  6:00 P.M.


  9:00 A.M. -  6:00 P.M.


  2:00 P.M. -  4:00 P.M.

If you text within the hours of operation, you will receive a response within 10 minutes.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Library Printing Made Easy

There are two printers in the Library.  If you are computing in the front of the Library, near the soft seating area, select Lib-Printer 1.  If you are sitting in the back of the Library, near the Library office, select Lib-Printer 2. 

If you need to print a PowerPoint presentation, ask a Library staff member how to print multiple slides on one page.

The Library participates in a recycling program.  Print jobs left in printers for extended periods of time will be recycled throughout the day.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

New Outside Scholarships

The CW Library regularly posts scholarship funding opportunities from outside companies and associations. Please stop by the library to view our scholarship wall.

There's no such thing as being awarded too many scholarships.  If you have a scholarship from CW, why not add another scholarship from an outside source?  Stop by the Library and ask us how.