Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Library Hours - November 25 - 30, 2008


Tuesday, November 25, 2008
8am - 5:00pm

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
8am - 5:00pm

Thursday - Sunday, November 27 - November 30, 2008

Normal Hours Resume on Monday, December 1, 2008.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Gallup Management Journal Reports Workplace Socializing is Productive

News Flash: Workplace Socializing Is Productive; An MIT researcher talks about the usefulness of water cooler chatter.(Survey).
Gallup Management Journal (Nov 13, 2008)(1868 words) From Business and Company ASAP.

Full Text:COPYRIGHT 2008 Gallup Organization

Byline: A GMJ Q&A with Alex Pentland, Ph.D., Toshiba Professor of Media Arts and Sciences and Faculty Director, Digital Life, at MIT

Synopsis: Contrary to their every instinct, managers should actually encourage their workers to chit-chat, to gather around the water cooler -- even to gossip. An MIT researcher reveals why these guilty pleasures are, in fact, good for a company's productivity.

Every March, we hear dire warnings about workplace productivity lost to water cooler chats about the NCAA men's basketball tournaments. In 2008, Challenger, Gray & Christmas estimated that the productivity lost to March Madness would cost the economy as much as $1.7 billion. Idle chatter, it seems, is an expensive waste of workplace time.

Well, Alex (Sandy) Pentland, Ph.D., of MIT would beg to differ. In fact, Dr. Pentland, the Toshiba Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at MIT and the faculty director of MIT's Digital Life consortium, and Benjamin Waber, a doctoral candidate at the MIT Media Lab, have found that workplace chatter, even the idle kind, increases productivity. To test the theory, Dr. Pentland and Waber came up with a clever method for examining the impact of workplace socializing. They designed badges imbedded with a radio transceiver, a microphone, a microprocessor, and a set of motion sensors. The badges kept track of the wearers' location, direction, and voice inflections. When one badge wearer met another, the length and tone of the wearers' conversation was measured. The badges could even track subtle body shifts when wearers were sitting down. Then the researchers compared that data with the wearers' productivity.
Pentland and Waber found that the badge wearers with more social connections -- and more interactions with coworkers in their social network -- had the highest productivity, whether they were talking about work or, say, basketball. And people who spent the most time "in the groove," moving rhythmically as they went about their work, had higher productivity levels than others.

That means, as Dr. Pentland explains in this interview, that perhaps it's a mistake for managers to send workers scurrying back to their desks. In fact, as he relates, it might be a good idea for managers to encourage workers to spread out and talk to others, to make friends, and to build networks -- even ones based on basketball scores. Read on for a fascinating look at, and justification for, one of the greatest guilty pleasures of work -- idle chit-chat.

GMJ: How do social networks form in the workplace?

Dr. Pentland: Social networks form in lots of complicated ways, and one of them is nonverbal or unconscious. You can usually tell when that's happening -- and within a minute or two -- by whether you're clicking with somebody. You can see it happen when you're watching people. They begin trading smiles, trading nods, and they become more and more animated with each other. Their attitudes and moods feed off of each other.
For instance, we did an experiment where we watched hundreds of people in a big auditorium. When two people were trading nods and smiles back and forth and becoming more and more animated in conversation, there was a certain threshold [at which] we could predict whether or not they would exchange business cards within the next one-hundred-twenty seconds. We could get it right over eighty percent of the time. We looked at job interviews too. We could tell within the first couple of minutes whether a person would get the thumbs up or thumbs down, again with about eighty percent accuracy. What this says is that we are not perfectly rational, completely independent individuals. We are part of a social fabric, and our basic human nature is to pay attention to other people and to share mood and attitudes. That's really the core of who humans are. Unfortunately, the way the psychology and management literature has evolved, their model of a human is a completely isolated, completely rational person. But you know what? That person doesn't exist. There's no such thing.

GMJ: You found that there's a link between productivity and face-to-face communication, even when people aren't talking about work. How can that be?
Think about what you chat about -- they're social things, mostly. You talk about your family, sports, traffic. You talk about all sorts of issues about how you live your life, raise your family, do your job, stay sane. A lot of things happen around that coffeepot. That's the stuff of being successful.

Dr. Pentland: Well, chatting is not just chatting. When you're chatting with others, you see people's reactions to things -- how other people live their lives and how seriously they take this sort of thing and how seriously they take that sort of thing. What you're learning implicitly and tacitly from chatting is how to manage your life in job situations. Part of that is about actual job issues, but a lot of it is about your attitude toward the job and your attitude toward other people.

GMJ: I can see how that would make work more pleasant, but I don't see how that makes workers more productive.

Dr. Pentland: Think of your work/life balance and your attitude toward the stresses of work as the social capital that you bring to the job. Also, a lot of the chatter actually is about work. When you look at people chatting about stuff, a lot of times they're gossiping about other workers or about situations at work. That actually tells them a lot about the attitude you should take toward things -- what's the received wisdom, what should be taken seriously. Another part of the chatter is about work/life balance and your work strategies: Should you go for a promotion? Should you ask for a raise? And part of chatting is for emotional support. If you don't have face-to-face communication -- in fact, physical touch is important too -- you become more fragile and more unable to stand up to the stresses and the bumps in the road of work. You need some people who will stand at your back and defend you from the spears.

GMJ: So we don't necessarily form networks with people who have similar job duties, but with whom we click. Is that right?

Dr. Pentland: That's right. And the conscious communication is part of that, of course. But you'll find that the unconscious communication is at least as important, if not more important.

GMJ: You've written about the "pulsing star pattern." What you mean by that?

Dr. Pentland: When you work in groups of people and you have a dominant person, that's pretty effective for making decisions. It makes the decision-making process go faster -- not necessarily better, but faster. On the other hand, having a dominant person in the group is terrible for brainstorming because all the thinking flows through one person who dominates the pattern of communication. This is a really bad [organizational structure] for creative groups.
But it turns out that there's an ancient biological solution; it's ancient enough that bees use it -- the pulsing star pattern. In this structure, the members of the group spend some time outside the group searching and then some time signaling to each other face to face. In all the groups that we've looked at, the creative groups do this best; they spread out, they find new information, then they come back and hang out around the water cooler talking about [what they've learned]. They share this tacit information with each other so that everybody gets up to speed about everything that everyone heard. Then the group makes decisions about the information -- not necessarily through words but through their attitude toward the things that are being brought up -- the items that the members learned and came back talking about.

GMJ: So it might be a bad thing for a manager to order people back to their desks. They may be out on an exploring mission. And that's face-to-face chatting again. It's the side channel that determines "What's your attitude about it?" "What do you think this will be good for?" "Is it good for you? For all of us?" "Is it bad?" That kind of communication within the group is just as important as reaching out to find new information.

Dr. Pentland: Yes. It's a bad thing to keep people chained to their desks because they're actually out collecting information. Now in some corporations, people do this in a different way. They do the exploring part online or through e-mail or Web pages and so forth. Then they use face-to-face [communication] to do the integration. That's why people with different perspectives should sit near each other and work together. Take hospitals as an example. Often, all the specialists will be in different parts of the hospital. That means the specialists don't understand each other or interact with each other. What you need are multispecialized teams. Even if it means that the radiology department is now scattered all over the hospital, it's worth it from a productivity standpoint. Multispecialized functional teams will think about a problem and bring different perspectives together by going out and finding information in their specialties, then coming together to talk about it. That's how tacit learning and integration happen.

GMJ: How are managers integrated into this?

Dr. Pentland: We are taught that management is a rational, logical process; that you pay attention to org charts; and that there are processes that need to be done. But when we've looked at actual data of people and their behavior, what we've found is that the things we're not conscious of -- the tacit knowledge, the attitudes people display without necessarily putting them into words -- are at least as important as the words themselves.
But what is a manager being taught to do? He's been taught to pay attention to the words or the org chart. He's not taught to make sure there's enough time for tacit communication and unconscious bonding. That's the stuff managers think they should cut out when push comes to shove.

GMJ: What about remote workers? Are they then necessarily less productive if they don't have the opportunity to talk face to face?

Dr. Pentland: Well, it is a challenge, as everybody recognizes. We did an interesting experiment, though, where we made a device that signaled how much each person interacted during a telephone conference. The device was a little machine that showed whether, for instance, everybody was interacting equally. All the subjects said they didn't pay attention to it because it was just a little thing on the desk, but everybody changed the way they talked -- dramatically. Suddenly, everybody became much more engaged, with none of the typing noise in the background. Everybody contributed more. Just having your interactions measured, even over the phone, changes the dynamics of how things happen. Being noticed brought remote workers into the fold, as it were. So there's hope. There's definitely hope.

GMJ: That was my next question: whether being noticed changed behavior. I didn't even need ask it.

Dr. Pentland: Well, see, now you know the answers first. We're on the same wave length. That's exactly how this social networking stuff works.

Source Citation:"News Flash: Workplace Socializing Is Productive; An MIT researcher talks about the usefulness of water cooler chatter.(Survey)." Gallup Management Journal (Nov 13, 2008): NA. Business and Company ASAP. Gale. The College of Westchester. 24 Nov. 2008 .
Gale Document Number:A189504850

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Proposed 20 Million Cut For NY Libraries

Librarians rally at Albany, New York today, November 18, 2008, to protest a proposed new budget for libraries seen 15 years ago.

The Best U.S. Business Schools - BusinessWeek Nov. 24, 2008

The November 24, 2008 issue of BusinessWeek lists the Top 30 Business Schools on page 49. Here are the Top 20 on the list.

1. Chicago (Booth)
2. Harvard
3. Northwestern
4. Pennsylvania (Wharton)
5. Michigan (Ross)
6. Stanford
7. Columbia
8. Duke
9. MIT
10. UC-Berkeley
11. Cornell
12. Dartmouth (Tuck)
13. NYU
14. UCLA (Anderson)
15. Indiana
16. Virginia (Darden)
17. North Carolina (Kenan-Flagler)
18. Southern Methodist
19. Carnegie Mellon (Tepper)
20. Notre Dame

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Use Google to Find Your Polling Place

Click the title link above to enter your home address. You'll find your polling place and a map in an instant.

Friday, October 17, 2008

External Scholarships for Students

External scholarships are a good way to boost your financial aid package. The scholarships available through the title link of this Blog are the most recent available, compiled with the CW student population in mind. Deadlines are from November 2008 to February 2009. Please ask a librarian for 2009 scholarship books available in the CW Library.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Library of Congress Book Festival 2008, Find Podcasts

Find podcasts from the Library of Congress Book Festival 2008, held on September 27, 2008 in Washington, DC. Selected speakers include:

Arthur and Pauline Frommer
Bob Schieffer
Michelle Singletary
R. L. Stine
Peter Robinson
Cokie Roberts
Marisa de los Santos

The title link of this posting leads to the podcast page.

Use Interlibrary Loan

We welcome your requests for interlibrary loans. If you'd like to request an article or book that the Library does not own, you'll find ILL forms in the Library. If you are a student and plan to use the book or article for your papers, please request items in the beginning stages of your research. In most cases, ILL requests are delivered within one or two weeks if they are not available for electronic delivery.

If you are uncertain as to whether or not CW owns an article or book you need, please ask a librarian for assistance.

Vault Career Videos Online

The Vault database now features career related videos. You'll find short videos, under 4 minutes on average, on a range of topics. Clips online right now include:

-Dress for Success
-Job Talk: Graduating into a Tough Job Market
-Top Internships
-Featured Company Recruiting Videos

To access Vault Video:

1. From the Library Blog click CW Article Databases
2. Select Careers and Occupations
3. Select Vault Online
4. Sign in with your CW username and password
5. Go to Vault Video

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Free Books

As we add new 2008 and 2009 titles to the Library collection, we're making older titles available for free. So please grab a few books on your way out the door.

Voter Registration Forms in the Library

Voter Registration Forms for New York State Residents are in the Library. The deadline to register in New York is October 10, 2008 in person or by mail.

Voter Registration Deadlines

New York - October 10, 2008 - By Mail and In Person

New Jersey - October 14, 2008 - By Mail and In Person

Connecticut - October 21, 2008 - By Mail, and October 28, 2008 - In Person

Monday, September 22, 2008

Movies, Reality Programs and More on DVD Available for Check-Out

Recommended by faculty or staff, the following DVD titles are now available:

Erin Brockovich

A Civil Action

Other People's Money

The Insider

American Greed: Some People Will Do Anything For Money

The Big Idea w/Donny Deutsch: Roadmap to Success

The Apprentice: The Complete First Season

Citizen Kane

Business Videos - WSJ.com

The Wall Street Journal has business videos online that can be utilized for the classroom. On average, videos are 3 minutes long. Broad categories with sub-catagories included are:

Personal Finance
Real Estate
Small Business

The videos can be found at:

Friday, September 19, 2008

2009 GRE & GMAT Guides in Library

For your professional development needs, 2009 GRE and GMAT guides with CDs by Kaplan and The Princeton Review are available in the Library.

Your College of Westchester ID

If you do not have an ID, you can come to the Library anytime to sit for your photo and ID printing. The process only takes 8 minutes. In the next few weeks, we will provide lanyards and ID covers for all faculty, students and staff. Remember, your ID doubles as a Library Card.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Scholarships for Faculty

The National Business Education Association will award 2 scholarships of $1,000 to business educators in continuing education or graduate programs in business.

To be eligible for an NBEA scholarship, an applicant must:

Be enrolled in a college or university post-baccalaureate or graduate-level program and submit proof of enrollment;

Be enrolled in a business education program and/or other related areas in business;

Submit proof of completion of at least two graduate courses (six semester hours);

Submit a one-page letter describing (a) past contributions to the field of business education, (b) plans to utilize the degree in the future, (c) two or three significant issues in business education, and (d) why the applicant should be the recipient of the award;

Submit a current resume;

Submit two letters of recommendation attesting to the scholarship/leadership potential of the applicant;

Be currently teaching and plan to continue to teach, or plan to teach upon completion of the program, in the field of business education; and

Be a current member of NBEA at the time of application.

Deadline: December 1, 2008

Further details can be found by clicking the title link for this blog entry.

Monday, September 15, 2008

September 11, 2001 - A Compilation of 7th Anniversary Programs

Programs accessible through the title link are made available by WCBS News 880.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Digital Textbooks - Off Track?

From the Chronicle, August 26, 2008

Digital textbooks offered by publishers do not incorporate the features students want. 75% of 500 students surveyed, prefer an affordable printed text over a digital textbook.
The title link leads to the full article.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Young Librarians Talk About Their Generation

From the Chronicle of Higher Education, October 19, 2007

Librarians answer the questions:

What is the future of the book?
Will their be a reference desk?
What are libraries doing right and wrong?

To access this article: msam2410, MEzuFuFY

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Computer Animation Research Unites Disney with Two Universities

From the Chronicle of Higher Education, Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Two Universities Join Disney In Computer-Animation Research
Carnegie Mellon University and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich might be the creators of Disney's next animated character. The Walt Disney Company will establish collaborative labs with the two universities, the corporation announced yesterday at a computer graphics conference in Los Angeles. The collaborative labs, in Pittsburgh and Zurich, will do research on computer animation, computational cinematography, autonomous interactive characters, robotics, data mining, and user interfaces, among other topics, according to a news release. Disney will provide funds for five years to pay the directors of the two labs, and money for seven years for eight principal investigators. One of the Carnegie Mellon lab's first projects will be finding ways for people to interact with virtual or robotic characters. The Swiss researchers will look at issues such as computer animation, image synthesis, and artificial intelligence. Disney may use the results for any of its divisions, including Parks and Resorts, Disney Media Networks, ESPN, Walt Disney Feature Animation, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Disney Interactive Media Group, and Pixar Animation Studios. --Maria José Viñas

Monday, August 11, 2008

Web Privacy on the Radar In Congress

From The New York Times, August 11, 2008
Business Day Section
Original Article Written By: Stephanie Clifford

Web Privacy on the Radar in Congress

Data collection and privacy policies are of concern to Congress lately. On the first day of August 2008, 33 cable and Internet companies received letters from 4 top members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The companies included Google and Microsoft. For the most part, the committee wants more information about their privacy policies. Compliance is tricky however, as technology policies shouldn't become outdated as technology itself advances.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Computer Gamers Could Help Scientists Find A Cure for Cancer

To be released in the July 4th, 2008 Chronicle of Higher Education

Players help scientists design new proteins with a game called Foldit.

If needed, access this article with:
msam2410, MEzuFuFY

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Survey Finds A Link Between Clean Campuses and Student Concentration

From The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 23, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

NYS Voter Public Information:New York Voter Registration Search

Check your voter status and your voter district information by clicking the blog entry title above and entering your information.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

10 Free University Courses on iTunes

Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, Harvard, and Oxford name just a few.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Reasons Why Women Leave Science and Technology Careers

How 12 Colleges Help Hispanic Students Succeed

Link to this Chronicle, June 18th article, above.

Addresses of Publishers

Find addresses of publishers. The blog title entry links out to the list.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Jobless Rate Reaches The Highest its Been Since 1986

-From the Washington Post, June 6, 2008:

"According to the newest figures, 861,000 more people were unemployed, and the jobless level rose among almost all groups: men, women, teenagers, whites and blacks. Unemployment among Hispanics was unchanged, and it dropped slightly among Asians." - Neil Irwin

Click the title link above to read the entire article.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Endless Possibilities for Summer Reading

From U.Wire.com

Whether you like mysteries, classics or fiction, you'll find recommendations here. Click the title link above to access the site.

Friday, May 23, 2008

New Test Content for the GRE

From The Chronicle News Blog, May 22nd - Next July, the GRE Will Add a New Component on Skills Not Just Aptitude - Click the title link above to go directly to the article.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Occupational Outlook Handbook 2008-2009

The Occupational Outlook Handbook 2008-2009 is available online. Please click the title link above.

You can use the OOH to search for occupations by utilizing its alphabetical index. One can find information about job related training, education and skills required, projected growth in a particular field and average salaries per occupation.

For your convenience, pdf and html formats are available for printing or download.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Educause Survey Results - Top 10 IT Issues in Higher Education

From The Chronicle, May 08, 2008

Educause, the higher-education-technology consortium, released the results yesterday of its 2008 survey on the top IT issues in higher education.

The top-10 issues “most important for… institutions to resolve for strategic success” are:
1) Security
2) Administrative/ERP Information Systems
3) Funding IT
4) Infrastructure
5) Identity/Access Management
6) Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity
7) Governance, Organization, and Leadership
8) Change Management
9) E-Learning/Distributed Teaching and Learning
10) Staffing/HR Management/Training

Since 2003, the top three issues issues have been, in various rankings, security, administrative/ERP information systems, and funding IT. This year was the first time that “change management” appeared in the top-10 list, however.

Click here to find resources relating to each of these issues and an additional breakdown of the survey results.—Catherine Rampell

-->Posted on Thursday May 8, 2008 Permalink

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Constructive Use of Cell Phones in Class

From The Chronicle, May 7,2008

Using Cellphones in the Classroom (Constructively)

While some scholars may question the value of introducing leisure-associated technologies into the classroom, education blogger Steve Dembo offers a short list of ways cellphones can be used to enhance the learning process:
1) Check the spelling/definition of a word
2) Research a topic
3) Look up reference images
4) Pull up maps (even with satellite imagery)
5) Document a science lab with built in digital camera/video
6) Fact check on the fly
7) Mail questions to the teacher that they might be embarrassed to ask
8) Classroom response system
9) Take quizzes
10) Record and/or listen to podcasts

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Writing Test May Be A Better Predictor of College Success

From the Chronicle News Blog - April 25, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Marketing Your College in the Age of Advertising

From the Chronicle, April 10, 2008:

The blog title leads to the full transcript of a discussion with Mary Stagaman, Vice President of External Relations, from the University of Cincinatti. Stagaman helped change the image of the University of Cincinatti.

Leisure Reading Online - CW Library Database, Research Library

Here's a small sample of what is available in full text in the Research Library database:

-E: the Environmental Magazine 1995-current
-Ebony 1998-current
-Fortune 1992-current
-Harpers Bazaar 1999-current
-O: the Oprah Magazine 2004-current
-Real Simple 2000-Present
-Rolling Stone 1992-current
-Saturday Evening Post 1988 - current
-Weekend All Things Considered 1990-current

To find these titles, including academic journals as well go to:

Select Databases A-Z
Select "R"
Choose Research Library
Select the Publications tab when it opens and choose your title of interest.

Books 24x7 - Business Collection of Books in Full Text

Books 24x7 is now offering much more to college students and faculty at CW. The new business collection addition offers relevant reading for students in all business majors, and it is just in time for use by the new BBA program entrants. To access Books 24x7, go to library.cw.edu and select Databases A-Z. Select B and then click Books 24x7. Use your CW username and password to log in. Once logged in choose Business Collection on the dropdown menu. The broad business categories divide into subcategories. Readers can view exact title covers as well as a table of contents and the entire book texts.

Study Abroad Program Entertains Diversity

New scholarships to make it easier for students traditionally underrepresented in study abroad programs are now being offered by the Institute for the International Education of Students.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Dublin Business School Study Abroad Program

Find out about a study abroad opportunity at the Dublin Business School.

-Minimum age 18; open to sophomores, juniors, seniors, adults; 2.75 GPA; 1 letter of recommendation; good academic standing at home school.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pulitzer Prize Winners Announced

The Pulitzer Prize Winners were announced on Monday, April 7th. The title of this blog post links to the winners. The awards will be presented at Columbia University on May 29, 2008.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Scholarships Available for Military Spouses and Their Dependents

Scholarships are available for military spouses under 25 and their children. Only the first 3,000 applications will be considered and the deadline is May 15, 2008. The title link of this post leads to the application information.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

External Scholarship Information

Please make sure to stop by the Library for the new packet of external scholarship opportunities.

New binders are available today in the Library with scholarship opportunities for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered students and international students (regardless of immigration status).

Please do not hesitate to ask a librarian for the location of these materials or for assistance with your applications.

U.S. Professors of the Year Awards Program - Submit nomination by 04/18/08

Recognize outstanding teachers. Nominate them for a U.S. Professor of the Year award. The blog title for this announcement links to detailed information about the awards program.

Entries will be rated using the following criteria:

-Impact on and involvement with undergraduate students (25 percent)
-A scholarly approach to teaching and learning (25 percent)
-Contributions to undergraduate education in the institution, community and profession (25 percent)
-Support from colleagues and current and former undergraduate students (25 percent)

Contact with questions: John Holtz, Senior Awards Program Coordinator at (202)478-5666

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Online Masters Programs at Drexel University

There are a number of programs available in business and nursing. Many new programs have been developed in education as well. The title link of this post connects to the site.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Your College ID is also Your Library Card

Students, Faculty and Staff:

Your College of Westchester ID fuctions as a Library Card. The barcode underneath the College seal on your ID is designated for borrowing purposes.

Please replace your ID if your picture or barcode become distorted.

College Librarian

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Adjunct Faculty Academy - The University of Virginia's New Certificate Program

The University of Virginia's new Adjunct Faculty Academy offers to adjunct faculty, very affordable online courses for development. A certificate can be earned for the completion of seven seminars. There is no application required and one is free to take as few or as many (8 seminars are available in total) as one wants. For available courses and registration information, visit: http://www.scps.virginia.edu/certificates/facilitate.php

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Modern Language Association Pamphlet for CW Students is Available Online

The Modern Language Association (MLA) Pamphlet is available in two formats for the convenience of the CW Community.

There are bright gold paper copies available for pick-up in the Library. In addition, copies can be found in portable document format at the blog title link above.

If you're reading the print copy of this blog, go online to http://library.cw.edu/mla.pdf. This link has been added permanently to the Library Blog on the right side bar under Student Resources.

The actual publication, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers by Joseph Gibaldi, is available in the Library. It is on the Reference shelf and has the call number:
LB 2369 G53 2003

Students should be encouraged to read its index which includes information on how to cite interviews, geographic names, corporate authors, a publication on CD, an Internet site, a film or video recording, legal documents and more.

Managing Emotions for Successful Organizational Change

From the e-Newsletter Wharton at Work

Harnessing Fire: Managing Emotions for Successful Organizational Change, covers the role of emotions at work and provides tips on building emotional intelligence. It discusses how even the most positive changes can play on employees' emotions. The blog title for this entry will link directly to this article.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Cast your vote - Building Design Contest for the George W. Bush Presidential Library

The Chronicle Review (March 7, 2008) presents an architectural theme. It features designs of new college and university buildings and costs of construction. You'll find some of the most beautiful dorms and libraries in this issue.

The most eye-catching article is introduced on its cover page that announces the Back-of -the Envelope Contest, a building design competition for the George W. Bush Library.

The Chronicle asked readers to draw on the back of an envelope, their design ideas for the George W. Bush Library. The designs have true personality. There's an issue in the staff lounge and they can also be found online. To see the Library designs and vote, click the title of this blog posting. If you're reading a printed version of this Blog, go to: http://chronicle.com/free/v54/i26/26b01401.htm
to access the designs and voting buttons.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Library Evening Hours - Good News!

Beginning March 10, 2008, The College of Westchester Library will close at 9:30pm Monday - Thursday. Friday and Saturday hours have been revised as well.

New Library Hours (Beginning March 10, 2008)

Monday - Thursday 8:00AM - 9:30PM

Friday 8:00-3:00PM

Saturday 9:00-3:00PM*

*Special Library reservations past 3:00PM on Saturday can be made on a case by case basis.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

NEWSPAPER SOURCE: Find Newspaper Articles and Transcripts for TV News Programs

Newspaper Source is one of the best kept secrets to finding news information in full text without asking Google or any other search engine. Once logged in, keywords, source names, titles and authors can be used to find the desired news story.

To Access Newspaper Source:

1. From the Library Blog Choose - Find CW Article Databases
2. Select - Newspapers
3. Choose - Newspaper Source
4. Log In
5. Use simple key words in all search bars to identify a news story of interest
6. Click the blue linked titles to view the full records
7. Print the HTML or PDF link provided, send to RefWorks, Save to a Drive or your My Ebsco Host Account.

Please contact the College Librarian with any questions at extension 281

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Introducing DIRLINE

DIRLINE is the Directory of Information Resources Online. It is a database with over 8,000 records relevant to health and biomedicine, brought to you by the National Library of Medicine.
The database can be searched by disease, condition or medical subject heading (MESH).
The title link above links to the DIRLINE database.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Get Your College Identification Card

Students, Faculty and Staff:

We have a new camera in place this afternoon, Monday, February 11, 2008. If you've applied for a College identification card, please come sit for your picture to complete your application. If you'd like to apply, please stop by the Library. If you request same-day service, we can print an ID card immediately or before the end of the day. The application, sitting, and processing time should take 8 minutes.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Career and Tech Books Relocated

The career and technology books have been moved to the center of the front reading area in the Library. The bookshelf has two group sized tables on either side. The shelf has been positioned this way to promote reading and immediate borrowing of books related to job hunting and career development. In addition, books on technology to include web editing and program management will be more readily available.

Friday, February 1, 2008

American Library Association Code of Ethics

The ALA Code of Ethics, respected by all college and university librarians, was updated in the past few weeks. The title above links directly to the document.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

AV Equipment - Requests & Delivery

The Library can make available audiovisual equipment for your classroom needs. Please contact the Librarian directly indicating the date and time of the class and your specific equipment needs - VHS, DVD, remote control, etc. Please note that all classrooms are equiped to accomodate DVDs, provided the software is installed in advance. However, If you will be playing a VHS tape, you will need to request a TV with a VHS player.

You can make your media reservations by calling x.280 or x281 Monday - Saturday. Or email the College Librarian at msamuel@cw.edu

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Faculty: Please Send Your Book Order Requests

Faculty: Please submit book orders by the last Tuesday of every month. Our vendor prefers to ship in bulk. We are particularly interested in collecting interdisciplinary titles as well as more titles in the health sciences. You can send all book requests to:


Keeping Score

Along with thousands of libraries across the nation, The College of Westchester Library keeps track of Library usage statistics, including the number of people that use the Library on a daily basis. Although gate counts are noted daily, they are rarely communicated to Library users.

You'll notice an attendance "score" for the previous day on the Library door every morning. The score acknowledges every person that uses our College library in a single day. Re-entrants are counted as well.

Our highest score of the year was 173 entrants (with 29 re-entrants ) on January 24, 2008. Our lowest score was 23 entrants on January 21, 2008, Martin Luther King's Monday.

We enjoy having you.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Library is Alive

January is usually a slow month in academic libraries, but not here at The CW Library. Students are using the Library for individual and group study. Math students have a strong presence in the Library, and use the large group table on a regular basis. Individual researchers are using the library for quiet study. It is nice to actually witness a balance of students working at the computer terminals and at the tables with notebooks spread "old school" style.

A recent class assignment has forced many students to read The New York Times Book Review for the first time, as they must find books that were reviewed by the NY Times in any year. The research involves uncovering a pot of gold related to finding books, learning about authors, and what can be found in the newspaper.

In one of my most recent research consultations, a student, "Mary," introduced me to a book by Barbara Kingsolver, called The Bean Trees. Barbara Kingsolver is her favorite author, and that particular title was one she admitted she won't forget. After a half hour of searching in the NYT online archive, we found a review of The Bean Trees that was published in 1988. Our second step was finding the book in The CW Library. Ironically, the copy we found was donated to the Library by Karen Smith. The student spoke so highly of the book that I'm planning to read it next. I'm allowed to check out books too, right?

Recent Research Questions

In the past two weeks, we've heard and delivered answers to the following questions:

How do I cite song lyrics in my research paper and bibliography?
How do I find a book that has been listed/reviewed in the New York Times?
How do I find scholarships?
How do I create a comparison chart illustration for my report?
Can you help me understand how I'm being asked to interpret the MLK speech?

Library Newspapers Have Longer Life

The Library shelf life of our newspapers in print increased from one day to two weeks. Therefore, all issues of The Journal News, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today will be held through the 15th of each month, and then from the 16th through the last day of the month. We will recycle the papers after each respective time period. On the 1st and 16th, you can find free newspapers ready for recycling in the Library. Prior to recycling dates, papers should not be removed from the Library.

Current newspapers are at the Library front desk and the earlier editions will be archived on the reference shelf next to the Library photocopier. The only title that must be requested with an ID is the USA Today.