Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Current Library Trends Across the Country

CW Library student worker, O'Deillia R., researched current events in libraries. This particular story highlights Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project, which is an on going study about the role the internet plays in our everyday lives.

Article: "New Research Finds Public Awareness Gap about EBooks in Libraries"
Author: Larra Clark
Source: American Libraries Magazine

According to Larra Clark of the American Library Association, a recent report from Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project found many interesting facts about eBook use and library patrons. Two of the main issues were that patrons either don’t know if their local library holds eBooks and, even if they do, they are unsure of how to use eBooks. Library patrons had many reasons why they didn’t check out eBooks from the library, some cited issues of inconvenience and said that it was easier to obtain eBooks another way (i.e. Others said they didn’t know there was an opportunity to borrow books from the library. Future research will focus on how libraries are teaching their patrons to use eBooks. In my opinion, this is the stepping stone for better customer service and better knowledge for all existing and future customers.
Summary by: O'Deillia R.

For more information about Pew Research Center’s study click here:

For information about Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project click here:

Clark, L. (2012, July 11). New research finds public awareness gap about eBooks in Libraries. American Libraries Magazine. Retrieved August 1, 2012, from