I thought that this was a very interesting well written and informative article. The scenario presented in the article and the commentaries raised a number of good points. One such point is that there needs to be good communication between bosses and employees of different generations. The article also suggests that both generations need to respect each other and to not dismiss what each other says and thinks out of hand. Another point the article makes is that bosses need to give adequate feedback to their workers especially the younger ones. The commentators differ in their suggestions but mostly agree on the above points. One commentator suggests that the fault lies with both generations and that corrective action must come from the older generation. Another commentator suggests that both generations need make changes to create a smoother running workplace. The third commentator suggests that the younger generation is primarily at fault for issues in the workplace. The commentator believes that it is the younger generation that needs to shape up more than the older one.
This Article can be found in the February 2009 issue of Harvard Business Review
Reviewed by Chris Postma
Written by Tamara J.Erickson